Ocean Sensory Bin with Water-balls 🌊
Have you tried water-balls yet? They are so much fun and the texture is beyond satisfying! It's a water like texture with boba feeling squishy balls. Yes, your hands will get a little wet, but boy will your kiddos have fun!

When we discovered these last year, they were the biggest hit! Our kiddos loved them!
They can be played with by themselves with some scoops and cups or they can played with fish, whales, ducks and frogs and pretend that the water-balls are an ocean. Really the options are endless! Hide the toys and find them. Fill up the cup and dump it out. Hide your fingers. This sensory bin is the best :)

We found these water-beads on Amazon. All you do is add a little water and watch them grow over night. You’ll be amazed at how little you need to fill the entire bucket. This was probably 3 TBSP of water beads.
This bin is a little bigger and does fit more for sensory play. This bin is a 28 quart bin and is 23 in. x 16-1/4 in. x 6 in. If you are planning to have more than one kid play, I would recommend a bigger bin like this one. More room for playing and less fighting.
I originally created this ocean sensory bin for our summer VBS preschool class. I worked games and created stations for our 3-5 year olds. This was the students favorite and when we had free choice at the end, the kids were all running over to the water ball sensory bin. Not sure what it is about sensory bins, but kids love them!
These are a big go-to at our house and we use water balls year round. When we play with them inside, I put the container on top of a beach towel and let them play. We have a three strike rule for all of our sensory bins, if pieces fall outside of the bin, even if it's an accident, three strikes and the bin gets put away for later.
Also, these are not taste-safe and I WOULD NOT recommend these for kiddos who still put things in their mouths. Definitely a supervised activity!
I'd love to know if you've played with water-balls before and how you play with them :) Comment below to share! Thanks for reading!
